The AWS console prompted me with notification of a change coming.
What is the AWS Management console?
The AWS Management Console is a web application that comprises and refers to a broad collection of service consoles for managing AWS resources. When you first sign in, you see the console home page. The home page provides access to each service console and offers a single place to access the information you need to perform your AWS related tasks. It also lets you customize the Console Home experience by adding, removing, and rearranging widgets such as Recently visited, AWS Health, Trusted Advisor, and more. The individual service consoles, on the other hand, offer a wide range of tools for cloud computing, as well as information about your account and about your billing.
The notification reads
The new AWS Console Home will replace your existing experience soon Starting April 2022, the new AWS Console Home will replace your current experience. Switch now to customize your Console Home and view valuable insights. Learn more or let us know what you think.
I clicked the switch now and found it quite a welcome change.
There is the ability to customise, add new widgets and even see at a glance my current spend. I think I like the Cost and Usage widget, as at a glance I can tell where my top spend is currently.
Check it out if you’ve not logged into the console in a while.
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